We are pleased you are here exploring possibilities. Here you will find the details for JacQuaeline’s upcoming trip to Sudbury Canada with links to register. If you have any questions, don’t delay in contacting JacQuaeline or her sponsors as this is a very short trip for a long distance… with limited personal time for private sessions and a lot of quality, condensed sessions for uplifting, giving you insights into more of your own truth, empowerment and improving the quality of life here and now.
Briefly, JacQuaeline has been working full time in the field of human potential & personal evolution helping people discover and bridge spiritual advanced techniques into daily life results for a better quality of life here and now. Better health, deeper love, easier and increased financial success and spiritual, creative attunement and abilities. We’re all here for a purpose and her work is about helping you rapidly discover, activate, develop, live and share your spiritual gifts in a meaningful way. Details and testimonials for her work can be found on this website and on linkedin. This page will only be available prior and during her trip to Sudbury. To stay in touch, enter your contact info to our list on the main page of this site. And/or keep up with JacQuaeline through facebook page Intuitionpower . (watch the spelling of JacQuaeline, its unusual as she legally has only one name: JACQUAELINE )
Sudbury Canada Events Page: November 2019 Note: **Early Registration is rewarded. **Drawings are made with every ten registrations received. The sooner you register, the more chances you have to be selected to win, minimum value is $197 USA program, downloadable.
Details will be added shortly, please check back by Saturday 10/12/19