by JacQuaeline | May 14, 2022 | Articles, Events, Meditation
Enlightenment is something to strive for. And, if you’re surfing the waves, when the ‘big one’ comes; you jump in the water and paddle fast – get in position, show up and anticipate the ride of your life. Exciting!!!
This is what I want for you this weekend… but surfing the biggest wave of ENERGY on SUNDAY/Monday.
Join me as I create a guided meditation for the group that shows up. Hopefully that’s YOU.
Here’s some of the ‘flavoring’ of Sunday. May 15, 2022, 4pm Pacific time zone. (link below)
Wesak festival, Tibet:
Each year when the Sun goes into Taurus, there’s a spiritual wave that hits the Earth. Along with that, in the valley of Wesak, Tibet, a group of devotees trek to this valley that to my knowledge has nobody living there. Long story short, Lord Buddah, the master teacher as he is, appears and sends blessings energy to those in the valley. I was lucky enough to experience this in my early days of working with Dr. Patricia-Rochelle Diegel, a Reincarnationist, Intuitive Mystic and Master Teacher in her own right. She was one of my main mentors. She helped guide me to this
Tibetan location (astral projection) way back in 1979. Every few years I am guided to lead a group there the same way.
There’s a lot more which I’ll explain at the very beginning of the call.. Full Moon, Total Eclipse to mention a few. These things activate Sunday but the effects can be felt up to 30 days prior and 5 months into the future. Therefore, what you choose to do ON the DAY OF – especially with intensions, mind set, heart set and soul set.. these things matter!
Join me, 4pm Pacific. Have pen/paper or tablet to write on. This will only take an hour of your time. Be in a place where you won’t be disturbed. You can call in via phone or join on video – but much will be eyes closed so phone will work fine.
Register here, use this link: –Add to Cart–
or cut and paste:
Remember: Move into your HEART SPACE – calm, center, shine like the sun with joy in your heart and mind. Especially Sunday and Monday – focus on love, healthy, happy and BIG GOALS!
by JacQuaeline | May 19, 2016 | Events, Meditation
Due to a flight I need to catch I just changed the time for the global link,
Now: Saturday, May 21st, 11:45am Pacific Time Zone ( Global link Meditation)
This is the third major meditation in a series of 3 special full moon events.
Exceptionally powerful.

Rainbow Light Reflection
Full Moon Global Meditation: Festival of Good Will Change of time Saturday 11:45 AM pacific (2:30pm eastern) Meditation in group is powerful and a great way to give world service. Today’s meditation celebrating ‘Festival of Good Will’, shall give back to each participant a great uplifted feeling and healing. Part of today’s meditation will include ‘healing’; group healing and healing on an individual physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. I moved the program time today because, unexpectedly I will be boarding a plane with my dear friend, Dr. Effie Chow, grandmaster of QiGong. We’re traveling to Palm Springs for a few days to work on two friends of mind who were in a severe car crash leaving one with a stroke, half paralyzed and with broken bones; and the other with broken spin, compression chest fractured ribs, neck. Needless to say, they are not in the best of shape. The car was totaled. So I’ve already done several long distance healing sessions since I happened to say to Dr. Chow last Sunday, ‘let me introduce you to another dear friend, a profound healer like yourself, Garrett.’ I called him and he, in his always gentle heart centered voice began to share which hospital they were in, what happened and their condition. So, first – it pays to refine your intuitive guidance and to follow you impressions, take action in spite of fear, shy, or doubt. So, when Dr. Chow heard that Garrette partner Janette was partially paralyzed due to stroke, she immediately said – she specialized in stroke recovery. Shortly following that conversation, we’re booked on a flight to go there and work on them. So, please excuse the short notice change in time (new time: 11:45am pacific) (2:45pm eastern) ——- This meditation call will also cover some healing concepts in regard to doing any healing work long distance. I hope you can join us. Its a way to serve humanity and personally get support while you visit your innermost quiet ‘center’ that is of love and light.
Namaste, JacQuaeline