by JacQuaeline | Jun 3, 2023 | Articles, Events, Meditation
Full Moon Today – JacQuaeline will lead a special Meditation very close to ‘THE’ time which is 9:39pm Pacific (Sorry east coasters but its a Saturday night… so hope you may join in then) Starts at 9:15pm pacific for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile – release what you need to in order to feel more joy, more ‘light’ – especially in relationships – remember the outside is a reflection of the inside… lets do some of that work tonight. to get access enter your email on my website & you’ll get the link. (aka )
Dame Rev. JacQuaeline is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: A Global Experiment – Live Your Best Life – Full Moon – 6/3/23
Time: Jun 3, 2023 09:15 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
This will be approximately 20 minutes.
followed by open discussion
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 389 987 2748
Passcode: 111202
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Meeting ID: 389 987 2748
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by JacQuaeline | Mar 3, 2023 | Articles, Events
This is an online PLAYshop* that quickly
impacts YOUR LIFE… and the program is FUN!
Join us on this LIVE INTERACTIVE Zoom
Program (limited small groups only) where
you will be able to safely Explore the real
world of Human Potential.
Everything is ENERGY and you can rapidly
and easily harness that energy with
JacQuaeline’s assistance.
Can you really Melt Metal with their mind?
Can you levitate things?
For most people – the answer is YES!
And, when you experience this from your
own home or office…. life shift FAST.
Come Explore – come PLAY…
its a lot of fun..
This is a REAL phenomena called
“PK” or Psychokinesis. . .
this is NOT
This three hour program changes peoples
beliefs about how powerful their mind
really is.
This is where the impossible becomes the possible.
This completely safe and fun experience allows
you to explore how your reality can be shaped
around what you believe and how new beliefs
can be formed in the light of new results
changing how your life works forever.
This event is hosted by the amazing JacQuaeline
(yes, she goes by ONE NAME!), dubbed by
T. Harv Eker as ‘America’s Foremost Intuition Skills Trainer.’
Skeptics and Believers are WELCOME!
Naysayers and Cynics, please feel free to skip over this offering.
Sunday, April 30th
3:00 PM Eastern Time
12:00 PM Pacific Time
3-Hours Experience
Via Zoom
Link Emailed After Registration
First, register to attend for only
$47** through April 18th, 2023,
then $67** till we hit 12 more registrating..
After that, all you have to do is grab some flatware
you are willing to bend and melt with your mind
and show up on time to the event!
Because it’s fun and adventure!
And, you will experience and learn things
about ENERGY that can seriously &
positively impact your entire life…
influencing your personal life, health, energy,
relationships, career or professional levels
of success.
Anyone open to new experiences and
willing to see how we can experience
life with new options!
by JacQuaeline | Sep 27, 2022 | Articles, Events
PK Party #449. Lucky you, I goofed… links and updates were not updated… soooo. . . as a last minute thing I’ve created an irresistible offer. .. Take this life changing program Oct. 1 for only $57.00 Yup. its a give away
ticket price at twenty-seven dollars.

Spoon Bending PK Party Results
Because its short notice, and I want to encourage you to transform your life BIG TIME… especially now with
the stress/pressure/almost insane news and ‘stuff’ going on in the world… everyone can use personal
empowerment. This PK Party is one of THE FASTEST ways to do that.
When you feel the metal in your hand getting warm and then soft.. well.. this class is live on zoom, and
you provide your own flatware to bend.. (7 forks/at least 1 spoon) (do not use sterling silver – its too valuable
to ruin and its way to soft to prove anything) Silverplate is great and stainless steel is good too and probably
much easier to get.. from Grocery stores, Target, Dollar Stores, sometimes thrift stores and on line ordering.
Also, speaking of transformation, JacQuaeline will be giving a few introductory zoom events between now and
October 6 when she begins teaching her then module (LIVE on ZOOM) IntuitionPower Training. Check the
website here for specific dates and times…or better yet add your name to this website. We promise we do
not bombard you with tons of emails..
Here’s to your best life ever… and if you need/want a quick personal glance into your future – contact JacQuaeline
for a private session which is on sale right now as well.
registration closed.
by JacQuaeline | Aug 25, 2022 | Articles, Events, Meditation
Saturday, August 27, 2022
This New Moon can be a pivotal point for anyone exploring or on the Spiritual Path. Join JacQuaeline and friends for this special ceremony to activate a new level within YOU. Also, consider your 2022 goals and where you are on that personal or professional journey. This personal activation will help adjust and balance your energy so you can better handle/ manage and take advantage of this powerful incoming energy. Be prepared for the intense vibrations coming as we experience an accelerated advanced connection to source.
Live event has completed: Access the recording for one week only: $12.00 
I loved it: Send me the download so I can use it over & over: $22.00: 
by JacQuaeline | May 14, 2022 | Articles, Events, Meditation
Enlightenment is something to strive for. And, if you’re surfing the waves, when the ‘big one’ comes; you jump in the water and paddle fast – get in position, show up and anticipate the ride of your life. Exciting!!!
This is what I want for you this weekend… but surfing the biggest wave of ENERGY on SUNDAY/Monday.
Join me as I create a guided meditation for the group that shows up. Hopefully that’s YOU.
Here’s some of the ‘flavoring’ of Sunday. May 15, 2022, 4pm Pacific time zone. (link below)
Wesak festival, Tibet:
Each year when the Sun goes into Taurus, there’s a spiritual wave that hits the Earth. Along with that, in the valley of Wesak, Tibet, a group of devotees trek to this valley that to my knowledge has nobody living there. Long story short, Lord Buddah, the master teacher as he is, appears and sends blessings energy to those in the valley. I was lucky enough to experience this in my early days of working with Dr. Patricia-Rochelle Diegel, a Reincarnationist, Intuitive Mystic and Master Teacher in her own right. She was one of my main mentors. She helped guide me to this
Tibetan location (astral projection) way back in 1979. Every few years I am guided to lead a group there the same way.
There’s a lot more which I’ll explain at the very beginning of the call.. Full Moon, Total Eclipse to mention a few. These things activate Sunday but the effects can be felt up to 30 days prior and 5 months into the future. Therefore, what you choose to do ON the DAY OF – especially with intensions, mind set, heart set and soul set.. these things matter!
Join me, 4pm Pacific. Have pen/paper or tablet to write on. This will only take an hour of your time. Be in a place where you won’t be disturbed. You can call in via phone or join on video – but much will be eyes closed so phone will work fine.
Register here, use this link: –Add to Cart–
or cut and paste:
Remember: Move into your HEART SPACE – calm, center, shine like the sun with joy in your heart and mind. Especially Sunday and Monday – focus on love, healthy, happy and BIG GOALS!