by JacQuaeline | Aug 25, 2022 | Articles, Events, Meditation
Saturday, August 27, 2022
This New Moon can be a pivotal point for anyone exploring or on the Spiritual Path. Join JacQuaeline and friends for this special ceremony to activate a new level within YOU. Also, consider your 2022 goals and where you are on that personal or professional journey. This personal activation will help adjust and balance your energy so you can better handle/ manage and take advantage of this powerful incoming energy. Be prepared for the intense vibrations coming as we experience an accelerated advanced connection to source.
Live event has completed: Access the recording for one week only: $12.00 
I loved it: Send me the download so I can use it over & over: $22.00: 
by JacQuaeline | Nov 7, 2020 | Articles, Events
Join in Sunday, Nov. 8, 2020, 01:00pm Pacific (04:00pm Eastern/USA time zone)
You are invited to an Exploration into Human Potential. 3-D to 5-D & Earth Experience with JacQuaeline.
Includes Guided Process to enrich, heal, empower you forward, plus Q & A. Toward end of program, a donation link
will be posted in the chat box with request for donation based on your experience. Thank you in advance for your
participation on all levels. The better each of us are, the better off the world is. Thank you for sharing this with other
like minded friends and groups.
Zoom meeting.
When: Sunday, Nov 8, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering on zoom, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Everything is ENERGY! Keep stretching/growing. JacQuaeline
by JacQuaeline | Mar 19, 2020 | Articles, CD Packages, Meditation, Uncategorized
Tomorrow: Spring Equinox Q: Why is it important? How to use it? A: Everything is energy. Understand/read the patterns of energy. Take advantage of the timing. Consider a wave or a tide. Go with the flow. Tide goes out – good time to venture out. Tide comes in – good time to move toward the shore. So, Equinox, Spring or Fall is a moment of pause when the tide changes direction. Connecting the dots here – ultimately meditation is a practice, not a trip. Slowing your thought waves to small or still, no movement measured, quiet still point, a time/place where you connect to your source. Beyond time, beyond space, beyond thinking. Entering the realm of knowing and being one with your source. Equinox is tomorrow, Thursday. I had an unexpected trip to Los Angeles this morning and will be on the road most of the day tomorrow unable to commit to the time I wanted to lead the group. If I get back within a reasonable time I will probably jump onto a FB Live and lead one. I usually explain this in my beginning classes. But I do want to post this offer. My “Art of Meditation: a fifteen day Challenge” usually sells for $97. With this coupon for the next 5 days I will make it available for only $27. (Save $70 – download 4 audios & 1 workbook) Simply use this link and the discount price will show up in the cart at check out.
Stay safe – Stay centered – Stay positive – Remember who and what you are – a child of god.. conscious energy and spirit having a human experience.
With loving light, JacQuaeline
PS. Ramping up on line Classes & MasterMind Support Groups, Private Readings & Coaching available.
by JacQuaeline | Mar 29, 2018 | Articles, Events, Meditation
These two meetings are an important step to begin a three month personal ‘light’ empowerment/activation process for each participant. It will begin with a brief explanation of the three festivals celebrated on the Full Moons each year March, April, May. Then using ‘The Great Invocation” (viewing on screen will be helpful but not required) JacQuaeline will lead the group into a unified energy field that will activate levels that individually are not easy to reach, balancing chakras as we move along. Global process will take about 15 to 25 minutes. Please make the time to be on the entire call; this is important. This is a full moon day, powerful weekend where many religious groups world wide gather for their own specific rites and rituals; while this occult/esoteric process offers a blending of Buddha and Christ – Wisdom/Love energies – non-religious other than a belief in a higher spiritual power that is unlimited and the source of all knowing and all encompassing love. This is time of personal and planetary empowerment done through love. Join us. Recordings if available will be offered for $55. Join us live!

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Saturday, Mar 31, 2018 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
2nd meeting via phone only:
When: Saturday Mar 31, 2018 5:45PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Call: 1-712-832-8300 code: 201801#
============= AT this time on the planet, we need all the “light’ energy we can have. YOU make a difference and you can be just new to meditation or an advanced master at meditation. Either way, your energy counts and will increase by your participation. This is a very powerful time and a powerful event.

Rainbow Photo by JacQuaeline
by JacQuaeline | Jan 2, 2018 | Articles, Events, Meditation
WE MADE IT! January 1st 2018, WOW. JOIN IN: First Full Moon Global Meditation is TODAY at 12 noon Pacific time zone. Call in details below.
I will record it and send it out to those who request it via email –
*If interested in getting recording, please request one on facebook or
REQUESTS for complimentary recording received by the end of the day on January 3, 2018 will be honored.
I want to start with gratitude. (THANKS to everything, everyone, GOD, Spirit, friends, family, food, water, etc. etc. (not necessarily in that order)
Day: Monday January 1, 2018 (or by recording*)
Time: 12 noon (Pacific Timezone) (approx 30 min.)
Phone number: 1-712-832-8300 Access Code: 201801
My feeling and hope is that this new year will have even more potential for powerfully positive breakthroughs on many levels for many people. Systems are crashing down around us so creating and maintaining a personal ‘CENTER” has never been more important or valuable.
This is important work. This is the work I’m here to help you with.
Personally I have been in retreat for most of December. This week I will post a New Year Special which will cover forecast readings and coaching along with a special offer on the programs that I still have in CD packages as that format (CD) is fading away quickly.
Also, I’ve updated the program: “Clear 2017 ~ Set 2018″ – 90 minute program and 15 page workbook.
That is a powerful way to start your new year. Those detalis will be in the next email.
Please share this, invite others, pass it on please.
Thank you – for being the best that you can be.
Blessings and best wishes for Happy, Healthy, wonderful 2018.
Namaste, JacQuaeline
Here’s a photo of this mornings sunrise…