This is an online PLAYshop* that quickly
impacts YOUR LIFE… and the program is FUN!
Join us on this LIVE INTERACTIVE Zoom
Program (limited small groups only) where
you will be able to safely Explore the real
world of Human Potential.
Everything is ENERGY and you can rapidly
and easily harness that energy with
JacQuaeline’s assistance.
Can you really Melt Metal with their mind?
Can you levitate things?
For most people – the answer is YES!
And, when you experience this from your
own home or office…. life shift FAST.
Come Explore – come PLAY…
its a lot of fun..
This is a REAL phenomena called
“PK” or Psychokinesis. . .
this is NOT
This three hour program changes peoples
beliefs about how powerful their mind
really is.
This is where the impossible becomes the possible.
This completely safe and fun experience allows
you to explore how your reality can be shaped
around what you believe and how new beliefs
can be formed in the light of new results
changing how your life works forever.
This event is hosted by the amazing JacQuaeline
(yes, she goes by ONE NAME!), dubbed by
T. Harv Eker as ‘America’s Foremost Intuition Skills Trainer.’
Skeptics and Believers are WELCOME!
Naysayers and Cynics, please feel free to skip over this offering.