Join this Meditation via telephone on today’s Full Moon:
Saturday: Jan. 23rd Time: 4:30pm Pacific (7:30pm Eastern TimeZone)
call in # 1-712-832-8300, Code: 23432#
Details see
Every New Moon and Full Moon, JacQuaeline leads a Global Meditation – LIVE via telephone hook up. Join in.. During this focused short Meditation you will Feel the group energy stretch from city to city, country to country as well link hearts and minds. We build our energy and use it for self healing and then as a group, for healing issues that are current or ongoing. This is a 15 minute guided meditation with Q & A at the end. Please try this once and if you like it, join in for more. You’ll feel the energy! Blessings!
This program was started in 2007. Once you join this group, you spirit is ‘activated’ to go to a new level of awareness, healing, personal empowerment. Become an enlightened ‘light’ worker – or add your light to this group. Either way, you will benefit.
Remember, what you put out comes back to you multiplied! Its all about LOVE.
Over the years, meditation is moving from a religions sector into the daily sector of both business men and women and individuals who have realized the powerful benefits meditation can give. So meditation has moved out into the daily lives of busy conscious people, no longer restricted to being associated to religions. Science has proven the health benefits. Research groups have confirmed these findings. And when a group is gathered, either in person or over a distance as we do here via the telephone, an increase of individual awareness and energy is evident.
Thoughts are things. Everything is ENERGY. JacQuaeline has been teaching meditation techniques as well as evolution of consciousness beginning in 1982. She has a unique gift of a voice that truly carries a frequency that does something. Join in at least once, experience it for yourself. You’ll be glad you did. Donations are appreciated, $3, $9 or more and can be send through