Sound Healing – Holographic Kinesiology – Color – Light & Medical Intuitive

Energy work done BOTH in person and at a distance/remote world wide.

This work releases stress.  It is non-invasive.  The concept is simple.  All dis-ease and pain is caused by some form of stress.  This work reduces or eliminates stress.  Eliminate stress and the magic of the body and mind heals itself.

More details on this work will be posted in the near future.  JacQuaeline has been practicing this and teaching aspects of this for decades, locally and internationally.

Listen to what three happy (surprised) clients had to say:

Madeleine LewisBack Pain vanished (click to hear it) 


Diane’s Success with Muscular Dystrophy (click to hear it)  


Susan Levin (click to hear it)

A typical session takes approximately one hour.  You remain fully clothed except for bare feet is preferred.  Often times one session is all that’s needed.  If there is a chronic issue, don’t expect one session to be your miracle; although it has been for a few in the past.  No promises or guarantees  = the one thing that is constant – reduction of stress.   Again, most people have significant shifts after just one session.  If you are an ‘A’ type and have a chronic issue, consider a series of sessions. Also, the sooner you pay attention to an ‘issue’, the easier it is to track down and dissolve. Everything is energy.

The introductory session is a donation based on sliding scale – your ability to pay, *$130. –  $400. – $800.  And, for those who have the finances and have a major ‘something’ resolved during the session or, usually within 48 hours (sometimes up to 5 days).. you are asked to consider a contribution on the higher end; especially if you’ve been troubled with this for a long while.. you know what that is worth. In consideration for that, we offer a sliding scale payment option a few days after the sessions and appreciate your generous contribution. With this higher contributions, JacQuaeline can afford to help others not so fortunate. Thank you in advance.

A support system is possible. Even though some very challenging conditions have gone away in one session, either in person or absentee at a distance; everyone can benefit from a series of sessions.
Package offers are available.  Contact JacQuaeline if interested as these series are customized for you. Some people are totally good with ‘one’. But, warning, once you have one sessions, you may feel so good, you will totally ‘get’ that when your system is in balance, you feel great. Each session normally takes you to a new level and you stabilize there; getting better and better.

Note from JacQuaeline:

*If you have been in pain and challenged with a particular ‘something’ for months or especially for years – your consideration in choosing a payment is greatly appreciated. Its taken decades of training and practice to develop this art and integrate this into helping you get measurable results. After introductory session, single sessions are normally billed at $400, or a series of sessions can be arranged and financial considerations are taken into consideration. 

One Sessions may be all you need.  
But, like a car requires an oil change every so often, and if you’ve got a fast paced lifestyle; or stressful period you are going through; it may be a good time to consider a ‘package’.
Getting a “Package” of 4 sessions or 10 sessions can be used at least once per month or as frequently as two per week are available.  (Travel or room rental costs may be added).

Absentee Sessions – “Remote” or what’s called ‘Long Distance Healing’ sessions are also an effective consideration for you to choose. Don’t let distance keep you from feeling better.  
Contact JacQuaeline, see bottom of this page.

JacQuaeline’s Main influencers:

Training for this work began in 1977 at both Thomas Institute of Metaphysics with Dr. James W. R. Thomas and at the Cosmic Mandate Academy with Patricia-Rochelle Diegel, Ph.D.

Touch For Health Association – Learning basic kinesiology.

Produces, writes, and co-directs a 2-hour video training program called Judy Levin’s Touch For Health.  It covers the basics of kinesiology, the 14 basic meridian flows of the body, neuro-lymphatic points, neuro-vascular points, and origin-insertion points of the body.  It shows how to do the basic kinesiology muscle monitor.  Good compliment for Dr. John Thie’s Touch For Health Manual.

*Richard D. Utt, founder of International Institute of Applied Physiology (IIAP)  Starting with Richard’s introductory program, a 100-hour 10-day course, continued through several advanced trainings including ‘7 Chi Keys’ and is a certified Salts Bath Instructor through IIAP.

Literally, dozens of courses and programs were taken and taught over a decades-long career.

JacQuaeline was also the writer/director and co-producer of a training program based on John Thie’s book: Touch For Health. Her program was named:  Judy Levin’s Touch For Health – a two hour video training to teach basic step one of Touch for Health –
•   Meridian flows of the body,
•   Neuro-lymphatic Points,
•   Neuro-Vascular Points,
•   Basic Muscle Monitoring
•   How to use each system to maintain and gain better health for self and others.
In addition to this training program, JacQuaeline had taught healing with sound & light workshops internationally since 1986.

Contact JacQuaeline for more information or to set up an appointment.  These sessions are oftentimes done in an ’emergency’ due to pain; so if JacQuaeline thinks she can be of help, she will make time to do the work, even if its after hours.  Call or text 310-710-8126, business hours if possible please, M-F 9am-7pm Pacific time zone.

Official Disclaimer:  JacQuaeline is an Ordained Minister.  She does not diagnose, prescribe or treat anything.  She clearly does not practice medicine or any other process which she is not certified to do.  That being said, she is a certified S.O.S., Stress Observation Specialist through the International Institute of Applied Physiology IIAP.  She’s taken, literally dozens of training programs to learn energy balance techniques beginning in 1977.  Today she specializes in the ‘7 Chi Keys’ and ‘SALTS BATH’ system developed by Richard Utt, founder of IIAP.  She is certified to teach Salts Bath and has developed other energy integration systems where she’s taught in person in Japan, Canada and across the United States.

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