JacQuaeline’s Cosmic Light Academy Presents
This Month’s Highlighted Program
Intuition Power™
Your Autopilot to Success
Intuition Power® 5 Week Course
Dreams: Your Gateway to Wisdom
Spoon Bending PK Party
Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis
Transformational Journey
Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis
Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis
Intuition Power
Integrate Spirituality & Wisdom ~ Overcome adversity, shift FEAR / HESITATION / DOUBT into CLEAR FOCUS with REAL MEASURABLE PROGRESS. Realize a SOLID INNER CALM, Confidence & Joy.
If you’ve attempted to break through old patterns, and release habits that no longer serve and are still challenged, then you’re in the right place.
NOW is the time.
The better off you are, the better off we all are. Actualize & embrace the joy, love, focus, and success that is the potential for all of us.
That is what everything on this site is about. Your personal empowerment, and creative breakthroughs can and do create more joy, better health, increased understanding, and most of all, connect you to a higher IntuitionPower that constantly guides you to:
Be In The Right Place At the Right Time!
Let JacQuaeline and her programs help you Create Vibrant Health, Prosperity, and Happiness.
If its time for you to reach a new level of Success, experience refined Intuitive wisdom and direction (success guided from the inside out) a new level of focus while allowing a flow and a glow from the inside out then you definitely are in the right place RIGHT NOW!
When you Activate, Refine & Focus your Intuition Power™.
We give you easy, quick guided experiences which effectively release an amazing new level of success from the inside out. Overcome fear, increase vital health, wealth and happiness. Wake up YOUR NEXT LEVEL of awareness and truly realize who you are at a core level.
Explore & Expand – Soul Mission & Visionary Concepts into daily life for greater unfolding awareness of ongoing success & happiness. Right now- you are in the right place!
Congratulations and WELCOME!
About JacQuaeline
Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit.
JacQuaeline’s Hours
Mon.-Sat.: by appointment hours vary according to your schedule – evenings available
Online globally & in person in the Reno, NV and Sacramento, CA
Upcoming Events
WORKSHOP (2-hours | value $500)
Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvina
WORKSHOP (1.5 hours | value $75)
COMPLIMENTARY INTRO: Intutition Power Training
TRAINING (10-weeks | valuse $1200)
INTUTION POWER: Your Auto Pilot to Success
Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus.
Cosmic Light Academy Testimonials
JacQuaeline, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your most insightful reading. You said what I needed to hear. In fact, I think it would be more appropriate to say you reminded me what I most needed to remember. So I thank you, I thank you for going way beyond in your time. I thank you for the energy that we shared. And I am so honored and so humbled. I look forward to our continuing relationship/ journey. Thank you for that boot in the rear that I most needed. You were the ambassador who took me to the next step in the journey. It is such a joy to have connected with you. That is it JacQuaeline. I know we will be in touch. Bye for now.