Coaching at its best.
Reduce stress and live the best life possible.
You’ll learn to
‘Say No to the Good and YES to the GREAT!

Ready for a gentle but powerful push forward? Need help with focus, prioritizing options, getting them done? Are you stressed out, wasting time and under producing? Would you like to feel productive, focused and flow with joy, grace and ease? Are you living the life you really want? And most important: Do you feel on track with your LIFE PURPOSE, your Soul Mission? If you have a business, are you in alignment with your business Vision/Mission Statements? Can you relate to ANY of these questions? And finally, how much joy, play and LOVE is really integrated into your concept of success and daily lifestyle?
Many goals are result oriented – good stuff, right? YES! And, life is ALSO about the JOURNEY. My SUCCESS EXPRESSWAY Coaching program makes every day rich, rewarding and filled with magical moments… reduced stress which gives you more energy and focus, which gives you better results.
Whether your goal is financial gain, stress reduction, relationship start or transition, health support. this website gives you tools – the Art of Meditation: a fifteen day Challenge; Release Negative/Limiting Habit Patterns in 21 days (this program really works!); the Intuition Power™ training program, Master Mind Alliance Programs or THIS – Personal, One-To-One Coaching Support for very personal, gentle feedback, insight, support and growth.
NOW is the best time to give yourself some powerfully focused (yet gentle) support that will give you new tangible and measurable RESULTS Quickly!
So, if you’re wanting ‘more’ or something ‘different’ then what you currently have,
Success Expressway Coaching creates Success; balance & empowerment from the inside-out.
Think about it…
What will you gain?
- Creative Options & Opportunities – you don’t know what you don’t know
- Ability to Prioritize & Focus, identify short and long term steps
- Better Clarity – eliminate distractions
- Take appropriate, timely action steps
- Identify and REMOVE blocks, overcome obstacles
- Accountability
- Soul Path Focus – Dream work at its best
- Awakening the Genius Within
- Create better habits
- Bridge between business and spirituality, the roots create the fruits
- Living Your Higher Truth – Authentically Strong, Courageous, Loving, Discerning.
As your coach, JacQuaeline will personally review your plan and/or assist you in the creation process of that plan with a balance of personal and business/work in mind. You’ll have a projected timeline that has the advantage of her accurate intuitive/psychic skills. The program offers a gentle balance between focus, fun, and firm accountability with ongoing inspiration, empowerment, motivation, encouragement,t and support.
Most clients make radical shifts as they realize solutions and options. Oftentimes, those options are presented as a totally new concept; seeming to come from left field, out of the blue. Yet, the timing and guidance will begin to make sense as clients realize why JacQuaeline is considered a true catalyst for success.
By visiting JacQuaeline’s ‘LinkedIn profile’, you can view an array of testimonials of her work.
The universe rewards action!
Successful people think long term!
Take this opportunity to invest in your own future.
Are you bold enough to step forward and begin turning dreams into reality?
The roots create the fruits.
What do you want?
Do you know what you need?
Are you making steady progress toward realizing your innermost goals & dream?
Do you have a great balance in your life? Are you happy, content, living with joy and gratitude?
The time is NOW!
If you think you CAN
YOU CAN! And, Coaching will help you get there!

Working with both the inside and the outside of consciousness, habits, awareness; gentle yet very firm accountability, inspiration and mastermind celebration, JacQuaeline teaches you to celebrate life daily as you develop the habit of joy, optimism and actualize new levels of success.
This is a high accountability, personalized program to support you in the transition or transformation to greater levels of success and balance in your professional and personal life.

JacQuaeline has over thirty years of in-depth mind skills training and Professional Clairvoyant Skills.
If you are ready to live a fuller, happier, healthier life with greater ease, then contact JacQuaeline via email or call: 310-710-8126 leave name, #, message as to interest in product or services.
Is YOUR coach psychic? Can your COACH cheat by looking into your future and help you with accurate forecasts of timing, numbers, etc. Please look at the Linked in comments from clients. Some testimonials are listed on the right hand side of this page. Please check them out.
JacQuaeline was presented with a Coaching Award from T. Harv Eker’s Peak Potentials in 2004! She started her official coaching practice in 1995 and has been teaching and consulting as a full-time intuitive/psychic in both the corporate business and personal arena since 1982.
Specializing in coaching success-oriented business men and women who want to make a difference…. Especially those people who are cultural creatives – those special individuals who are truly here to make a difference – live up to their own full potential and influence others and society. I also have a great affinity for the health care and service industries. Holistic and complementary medicine is truly needed more and more. It’s my joy to help those who have dedicated their careers or are exploring a career in that arena, to help you discover Are you interested in making this year exponentially better than last year?
Would you like a bit less stress, more time through better focus; more fun with better health? YES!
In addition to Health Care Practitioners, I also coach entrepreneurs, visionaries in business, leaders, managers, artists/actors, info-preneurs just people needing or wanting a change. When you want to take your career, business, project, or life to a new level of success on financial, health, relationship, creativity, and spiritual levels. Balance and achieving joy, success, and great progress takes energy, focus, and effort. Coaching support from me is powerful. I help you create doable baby steps that help you begin to realize your dreams of a more productive, lucrative business with less stress and more time off! We achieve one baby step at a time. I motivate you, keep you on track and wildly applaud your successes!
JacQuaeline, 310-710-8126
I started business coaching about a year and a half ago. I went through four coaches and it wasn’t until I started with JacQuaeline about four and a half months ago that I really started seeing some results. I have found that my business has increased by about 15% in the last four and a half months. and it is continuing to increase. She gives me excellent ideas and marketing advice and she really holds me accountable which is what I need. So I just want to say Thank you JacQuaeline.
Hello, my name is Dr. Kelly Martin of Boulder Co. In the first month of working with JacQuaeline as my success coach I had several financial breakthroughs. I brought in 18 new patients sold out of my health class and grossed more money than I have in the past two years. JacQuaeline is extremely supportive and driven and I now that she will help me to be my best. Thanks so much.
During my first year of coaching with JQ I set a goal for a chunk of money and I actually made more than double that. My stress, my anxiety level in all areas of my life have improved. my friends have told me I’m calmer and more focused. Before working with JQ I sort of had a dream of starting my own business. But now it’s really a reality. I’m taking action steps to create my new business and have a newfound total confidence that it will be a total success.
I invite you to contact me. I assess where you are in relation to your goals, visions, mission, purpose… Clarity on this is your first key. I quickly help you bring clarity to those issues and help you develop a doable step by step approach to balanced living which integrates your personal/professional progress and success.
Fasten your seat belt and get ready to see results – your business growing very quickly.
Live life fully,
“America’s Foremost Intuition Skills Trainer”
(310) 710-8126 Call Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm Pacific time zone; or write: