2021 Calendars – Limited Edition – Stunningly Beautiful – LOOK!

2021 Calendars – Limited Edition – Stunningly Beautiful – LOOK!


2021 Calendar Cover: Wall hanging size

2021 Calendar  Sunlight Rainbow photos by JacQuaeline

These Calendars are a work of art – designed to “Activate Health & Joy” for 2021. Limited Edition in 2 sizes, desktop/flip style is the most popular and the concise wall hanging – simply stunning images of “LIGHT” – (real sunlight fragmented through crystals onto the paper. You see them and ‘feel’ a thrill!  Does your calendar do ‘that’?     click here for details or to place your order:     https://cosmiclightacademy.org/2021-calendars/

Cyber Monday Specials TODAY!

Cyber Monday Specials TODAY!

Cyber Monday is HERE!  
(plus: Bonus at bottom of this page)

Save TODAY: View the THREE Items and a Bonus program you won’t want to miss!

1) Personal Readings* by JacQuaeline
2) Spoon Bending Training PK Party on Sunday
3) Art of Meditation Instant Download – a 15 day challenge
4) Clear 2020 ~ Set 2021 -Clear the energy and start powerfully 

Choose and save while you get insights, answers,
and an experience that may just change your life!

Readings by JacQuaeline

Present Life Reading* – Psychic & Tarot
Full Session:  $500.00, today $125.00
        (*Limited # availble)
Avert problems, gain confirmation, clarity, insights
answers to issues, solutions, timing of events – Get
times for changes and what they may be. Insights to heal/resolve
physical issues or relationships or mental stresses.
More than vague generalities. Ask questions toward the end;
usually they have already been answered!
Spiritual insights that translate into action for amazing success.

Get this now and SAVE!:

Past Life Sessions:  50% off. see website for details:


Spoon Bending Training:  PK Party #436    

Sunday, Dec. 6th on zoom  starts at 1pm pacific
Gather 7 forks/ 2 spoons, a few coins – pennies, quarters…
Experience the ‘Ultimate YES I CAN’ event.. and laugh, play
and learn how to harness ENERGY to get physical real tangible
results. If you can bend metal with your mind… what else is
possible?  Dec. 6th is a major energy day. Don’t miss it! 
more details and photos on website: 

PK Party Regular $250.00 –  Today ONLY : $50.00 adults

Purchase your ticket here/NOW!:

Look at the webpage for more details: 


Art of Meditation: a 15 Day Challenge   The Art of Meditaiton Course

Now is the time to activate and refine your
meditation practice. Give yourself or someone
you love this powerful transformative program.
Download the workbook and four – 15 minute
meditation programs. Each one guides you
gently yet powerfully into a still – silent place
where you may just touch on the divine.
Price: $97.00  TODAY $24.50



Purchase one of the above and you may attend this
two part program:
CLEAR 2020 & Set 2021  –
A powerful two part program, two hours each meeting:
total: four hours. JacQuaeline puts on her experienced
Coaching Hat and walks you through a series of mini
meditations to literally ‘energetically clear’ any negativity,
sad, mad, fear, loss, etc… from 2020…  then, gives
you some work to program continued release and
healing in a few nights as you go to sleep; then we
meet again to ‘SET 2021’ from a new ‘CLEAN SLATE’!

Two – 120 minute meetings to activate & empower your Success & Intuition

This training can be attended live with the group or by recording. 
It will be given live several times in December. Dates and times
to be announced and will vary from week to week.
Program will be on zoom by JacQuaeline.

Here’s wishing you a wonderful and wonder-filled
holiday season.. may it be joy filled, safe and healthy.
Today is also a powerful Full Moon.  
I will be leading a guided meditation and posting it on
facebook for the daily 11am broadcast.


Wesak Full Moon Meditation May 6th

Wesak Full Moon Meditation May 6th

Register in advance for this meeting, starts 7pm Pacific:

copy/paste  to pre-registre: ….             


Every full moon holds a special moment, a unique frequency.  Tonight’s
FULL MOON with the Sun in Taurus (I’m NOT an astrologer), is called the 
WESAK Festival. Legend has it that TONIGHT the Buddha makes an
appearance in that special valley in Tibet. 

I would venture a guess that you and I are not going to be there physically
to experience it. Not this year anyway. However, we are not limited by our
physical bodies (unless we think we are) and may experience that event
or that energy with our mind or our astral bodies – either in meditation or
perhaps even in the dream state.  So watch your dreams tonight and set

I invite you to join me in a meditation on zoom tonight at 7pm pacific time

You are required to pre-register for that meeting by the zoom system so
please go there now and share this with friends. 

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 6, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

There is no charge for this event.

Whether you join tonight or not, please take a few moments to focus on 
compassion, healing of the world and love.

Within you, your family and friends & your community well.

With loving light,


Meditation – Equinox Special offer/invite this week!

Meditation – Equinox Special offer/invite this week!

Solstice Meditation


Tomorrow: Spring Equinox Q: Why is it important? How to use it? A: Everything is energy. Understand/read the patterns of energy. Take advantage of the timing. Consider a wave or a tide. Go with the flow. Tide goes out – good time to venture out. Tide comes in – good time to move toward the shore. So, Equinox, Spring or Fall is a moment of pause when the tide changes direction. Connecting the dots here – ultimately meditation is a practice, not a trip. Slowing your thought waves to small or still, no movement measured, quiet still point, a time/place where you connect to your source. Beyond time, beyond space, beyond thinking. Entering the realm of knowing and being one with your source. Equinox is tomorrow, Thursday. I had an unexpected trip to Los Angeles this morning and will be on the road most of the day tomorrow unable to commit to the time I wanted to lead the group. If I get back within a reasonable time I will probably jump onto a FB Live and lead one. I usually explain this in my beginning classes. But I do want to post this offer. My “Art of Meditation: a fifteen day Challenge” usually sells for $97. With this coupon for the next 5 days I will make it available for only $27.  (Save $70 – download 4 audios & 1 workbook) Simply use this link and the discount price will show up in the cart at check out.

Stay safe – Stay centered – Stay positive – Remember who and what you are – a child of god.. conscious energy and spirit having a human experience.

With loving light, JacQuaeline

PS. Ramping up on line Classes & MasterMind Support Groups, Private Readings & Coaching available.


Truth Seekers Summit – Mt. Shasta & Live Streaming

Join live or by live-streaming –  this brief video link below explains it. Also, I will be giving a presentation on the Cosmic Mandate: a Blueprint for Immortality.  Its probably not what you think. Its powerful. Consider it a roadmap for self empowerment, creative expression, healing and spiritual growth.

Following the Summit, for those in attendance or who might just want to join on Monday, Equinox Day: Sept. 23, the Spoon Bending PK Party. see details under events page on this site.

Here’s the link on the Mt. Shasta Summit 2 minute video:


register or get more information


This will be live stream or in person; followed by my
PK Spoon Bending Training Party – on Monday, Sept. 23rd. see link on this page under Events .

Master Mind Mondays

Join this powerful MasterMind* in person or via zoom lead by JacQuaeline. Open to all for the next two Monday evenings.

Monday Jan 21st and or Monday January 28th.
Time: 6pm – 7:30pm (Pacific Timer Zone)

  •  What is a Master Mind?  The famous book: Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill discussed the Master Mind as when two or more people come together with a common purpose in the spirit of mental cooperation, a greater result occurs then when one person works on something alone.
  • In other words – thoughts are things. As the group supports clarity of intention and goals, the group ‘think’ focused on your positive results will make a difference in your outcomes.

1st & 3rd Mondays February March and April 2019:
Master Mind for goal support – financial, marketing support, management  – success from the inside out.

2nd & 4th Mondays February March and April 2019: Intuitive Development and Spiritual Growth with Meditation.
JacQuaeline has been referred to as “America’s Foremost Intuition Skills Trainer” and earned the title “The West Coast Premier Psychic”.  Most people don’t realize she was ‘trained’ to develop and then refine these skills. She worked on an exclusive team, ‘Unit 9″ working with Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department on various cases over a five year period.

PRE-ENROLL – by donation.  send request to Coach@intuitionpower.com or call 310-710-8126.

Local Meetings are in person in Reno, NV. Call for address near Reno Airport. call 310-710-8126.


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