****July 31,  2015 –  5:00 pm  (Pacific Coast Timezone)  1-712-832-8300, enter: 23432#   (We plan to use this # & Code going forward!)

July 31 is a  RARE BLUE MOON – FULL MOON  – Increase Clarity, Focus.

Join JacQuaeline as she guides us into a special place of oneness and enlightenment, clearing and healing.  Release daily stresses, fears, issues as you breathe in harmony with the group from far away places, all gathered on the phone lines.  Feel the LOVE from each participant, you too?  Its awesome.  Please represent YOUR area LIVE!     (each meditation lasts approx. 15 minutes in length + 15 Q & A with JacQuaeline)  Phone Lines sometimes open 5 minutes early.  See the archive page for past recordings… note, the conversations back and forth, insights, answers given by JacQuaeline during those periods are not released via recording. so to take advantage of asking or hearing her sage advise or insightful teachings that go straight to the heart of the matter, join us on the live calls.

Call  in LIVE: 

*****NEW CALL IN NUMBERS    please use: 

1-712-832-8300, enter: 23432#   please mark your calendar and plan to join in for at least 3 consecutive programs.  Donations gratefully appreciated –  Your donation might be as little as $3 – (less than a average cup of coffee at Starbucks….)  Thank you for both your participation and contributions!!

Namaste dear ones, please pass it on and keep coming back… YOU make a difference!

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