Futuristic esoteric psychedelic ornamental mandala colorful design.

Self-empowerment is a journey.

Once upon a time I started a nationwide Dream Interpretation service. I trained students to do the work. It powerfully & positively impacted hundreds of people. 

Join me for an exploratory journey into your powerful sleep state. 
If you don’t remember your dreams, there’s a reason. Oftentimes that reason is because you don’t work with
them. If you remembered your dreams everyday, you wouldn’t necessarily know when you have a major message.

So, now is the best time to explore the 1/3rd of your life called sleep. Please see the details from
the webpage on this site.   Hurry, the class is only being taught this August 2023 as a short
intensive four week journey. The full in-depth program will be taught again in 2025.

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