Join me, JacQuaeline for our next PK Party  (PK = Psychokinesis)

Learn this 21st Century ‘SUPER-POWER!   Use the same concepts that you will learn and begin to apply them in your life in order to break though other barriers and rewrite your reality.

Girl with bent spoon

During this four hour ‘party’ I will challenge your belief systems of:  ‘WHAT IS POSSIBLE?’  and  WHAT IS REALITY?

Can people really stare at metal flatware and make it ‘melt’, ‘twist’ and ‘bend’?   Well, once you learn the simple steps, have the phenomena explained  and get ‘activated’ – you may just be able to do it!

If you want to S-T-R-E-T-C-H YOUR reality, or just come and have an extraordinary afternoon, don’t miss this event.  Get yourself  to Anaheim, California on June 18th at the Learning Light Foundation in Anaheim.  It’ll be a four hour program.   The ‘PK PARTY” is a  continuation of the  research that initially started by Jack Houck when he was working at the Boeing Space Division.  When I met Jack in the mid 1980’s, he asked me to continue the work and we’re up to PK Party #414.

Welcome to the new age.  PK (Psychokinesis is the 21st century Superpower!)  AND,  YES YOU CAN!

Come, LEARN to melt metal with your mind.  And, if you can do THAT (which you can!) then, WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE?

To register, simply call:  Learning Light Foundation:  (714) 533-2311      Register early for the special early bird discount on tickets.

Bent silverware

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