Sunday July 12 marks the 111th daily broadcast on Facebook Live. My daily broadcast has been helping me get my radio talkshow chops back. (I hosted a weekly talkshow in Los Angeles over six years mainly on 93.5fm when that station was ‘Your Talk Alternative’ station.) That was a fun show to do.
So update News:
In addition to my daily broadcasts which I plan to make shorter than longer; I’ve committed to giving a weekly free training program on zoom as a support. Topics will all be about personal growth, truth, inspiration, empowerment and success.
I also plan on moving more into an interview format since I’ve been lucky enough in life to have crossed paths with some rather unusually talented, creative, successful people in a wide area of interests.
So, join me, JacQuaeline for this next 30 days of growth opportunities.
I’m specifically doing this because if you haven’t noticed yet, things are changing. September 2020 may bring about even more changes. My question to you is – what are your current priorities?
If its person empowerment, personal growth – then you’re in the right place. I believe its the best way to handle whatever may be thrown at you.
Thanks for sharing with friends and colleagues. Thank you for being the caring person you are. If you weren’t that way, you wouldn’t be reading this. I know that to be true.
If you aren’t yet on my contact list – please add yourself to it in order to receive updates, discount codes and special ideas or reminders.
Be well, stay safe and always in gratitude.
Namaste, JacQuaeline